1010 Enfield St, Enfield CT, 06082 | 860-253-6382 | [email protected]

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Older Adults

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Creative Youth Community Impact

About On and On | Singer and songwriter Jordan Meyer (an Enfield native) of Sound Haven Music and Music Therapist Renee Coro teamed up to provide a Youth Songwriting Course to Enfield youth through our Child, Youth and Family Services Division. Enfield youth Gracie Rose, Cameron Regnier, and Isabela Rodriguez- Gil wrote and recorded an original song from start to finish. The song, titled “On and On”, was inspired by their desire to create a song about perseverance in challenging times.

Be In The Know

Keep up with our latest news, events, and helpful information. Each month we will send one newsletter to keep you informed and provide you with some great ways to have an impact.


Info & Graphics to Share 

Town of Enfield Parents

It can be difficult talking to your kids about cannabis. Check out this article to learn how other parents are handling it… and the outcomes. Find out how another community across the country is addressing youth cannabis and making a measurable difference.



parent and child sitting and talking upset child, represents child mental health

Become an ETC
Member Today!

 Are you a parent or community member interested in making a difference? Sign up now and be notified about the latest trends in mental health and substance misuse, upcoming events and ways to get involved!

Join The Youth Council

 Are you a young person who wants to grow your leadership skills? Become a part of Enfield Youth Council and learn the skills to make real change in our community!

Did you Know?


72.6% of Enfield youth (grades 6-12) report getting cannabis products from their friends or peers.


71.9 of Enfield youth (grades 6-12) believe that hard to access.


8.89% of Enfield High School students reported using cannabis in the past month.


58.6% of Enfield youth (grades 6-12) believe cannabis has a moderate/great risk.

 Helpful Links

These links are curated to provide you with helpful information, resources and knowledge from leading professionals, organizations and other sources.

 Mental Health & Wellness:

 Social Media, Gaming, Movies & TV

Get Involved

Looking to get involved in the community? ETC is a great place to be involved and have an impact on our community. We sponsor events and coordinate information sessions. Not only does our coalition have a youth council, but we have other great opportunities to understand the impact substances, technology, and other influences have on today’s youth.

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